Bayangkan menghafal Al-Qur'an secepat Anda mengingat lagu favorit yang terus terulang setiap hari. Dengan Speaker D'Quran, hafalan Al-Qur'an jadi mudah, menyenangkan, dan terasa alami. Siap-siap, proses hafalan Anda akan berubah selamanya
The Islamic Monthly is an independent, based publication that fosters
discussion issues related to the modern world.
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Fajr …………………….. 04:45 AM | Magrib …………………… 6:45 pm |
Zohar …………………. 01:30 pm | Isha …………………….. 07:40 pm |
Asar …………………….04:45 pm | Jumu’ah ………………….. 1:30 pm |
The Islamic Monthly is an independent, based publication that fosters
discussion issues related to the modern world.
The Islamic Monthly is an independent, based publication that fosters
discussion issues related to the modern world.
The Islamic Monthly is an independent, based publication that fosters
discussion issues related to the modern world.
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Qiyamullail di aula
Sholat Shubuh & Halaqoh Tahfiz 1 (Setor Ziyadah/ Hafalan)
Mandi, Sarapan, Piket
Halaqoh Tahfidz 2 (Muraja'ah 1)
Belajar Bahasa Arab
Sholat Dzhuhur, Makan Siang, Istirahat.
Halaqoh Tahfidz 3 (Muraja'ah)
Istirahat Tidur Siang
Sholat Ashar
Mengajar Mengaji Di TPA
Mandi, Istirahat, Makan Malam
Sholat Maghrib, Kultum Dan Baca Buku
Sholat Isya, Halaqoh Tahfidz 4 (Muraja'ah), kajian ilmiah di aula (insidentil).
Istirahat malam